
Most healthy pets only get to see us a few times a year. These appointments are important to keep track of your pet’s health. At these appointments we will check stool samples, give vaccinations, run a FeLV/FIV combo test (if needed), and do a physical exam on your pet.

Kitten Exams

Vaccinations are also an important part of your pet’s veterinary visits. Kittens start getting their vaccinations at 6 weeks. We recommend that all kittens receive their FVRCP, FeLV, FIV, and Rabies vaccinations. After the kitten series the Rabies vaccine and the FVRCP vaccine are due every three years. The FeLV and FIV vaccinations are due every year.

We run stool samples to check for intestinal parasite eggs. Some of these parasites can be spread to people. The Center for Disease Control has more information. As animal care professionals we strive to prevent infestation. A great form of prevention is normal sanitation, prophylactic deworming during kitten hood, and monthly heartworm prevention medication like Revolution. It is best if you bring in a stool sample at the time of your appointment that way we can get the results and start treatment, if needed, before your appointment is completed.

Cat Examinations

Feline Wellness Appointments

Helping your cat get comfortable with it's carrier