Radiology and Ultrasound

Radiography is a very helpful tool in the diagnostic process. In our on-site Radiology Suite, we have the ability to take digital x-rays and have them ready for the doctor's interpretation in a matter of minutes. This enables the doctor to create a medical plan to treat your pet quickly and accurately.

Digital Radiographs

The digital x-ray machine also gives us the ability to email or burn your radiographs to a CD for interpretation by specialist should the need occur. Also the veterinarian can zoom, adjust contrasts, and measure accurately on the digital program, which is difficult to do on a film radiograph.

Whenever radiographs are taken we always do two separate views. One view is from the side and the other from the belly to the back. This helps give our doctors a 3-dimensional aspect of your pet’s trouble area.

Ultrasonography is also available. An ultrasound is preformed on your pet the same as if done on a human. A hand piece sends high frequancy sound waves pass into your pet's body. The waves that bounce back off of your pets organ are then used to form images. This test is helpful to show different angles/views of organs and other internal sturctures that we may or may not see with a basic radiographic film. U